HOly Ghost baptizm feels like a body perfect size coming in and starting about day 1 or before Jesus does this, all at the same time usally:  Jesus spoke this: 9-23-2010-June 1 2011 time for-vision receieved 6-1-2011-in this vision I saw hollie and she looked at her light watch, but, was just like light, no numbers or hands, but later appeared. <P>Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and they said: 5-31-2011-hollie showed, eat, bob thats chuck hollie showed, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need it, hollie, said, its hollie showed, hand white, but theres uh dome in, points hollie with long shaft, golden finger, with, him in, hair changing, he seemed o.k. but get chuck, he said, coming out, its, pastor chuck, let me, record, hollie, said, bob, she said, thats, otis, hes, cool but, you spoke blasphemy, pointed, hollie, I know, paul said, its uh drone woofer, said, its, hollie, another hollie said, thats woofers moving, one, its, radio shack, hollie said, speaker, its, realistic speaker, with ten inch drone woofer, and eight inch normal woofer, thats angeleyes looking out, theres tweeter, its they were excellent hollie said, pope, its, hollie said, in, the fire, drinking drink, flames soared, thats, his caregiver approaches hollie said, like light round head, mouth open, but, like, elfs clothes, pointy hat, theres uh, hollie said, showed, bob eat, go, said, its, hollie, but, her, teeth appeared, she said, jumpy hollie said, stomped her golden feet, and hand, lighted, points, but, its tim, considering, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, hollie comes out, its, bobby, shes, transformed, hollie said, bobby, put your name, on, that, church, thats b.r.h., hollie showed, on church building, hollie explains, boo, they, chanted, its, many he, him, said uh she hollie, on, hill, there, hollie said, but she hollie comes out looking back, but, its amber hollie said, go home, said, it Jesus a, him, its, she, hollie did convey, raise your hand God said, hollie said, no I wont, hollie said, she said sleep, showed, jumpy hollie, but, jogged like, in place, its, she said, face went golden but turned like bear, she said, jumpy hollie said, showed, get busy, thats hollie knocking on, its doors, going in, explaining Gods way, then leaving quickly, hollie showed, its pnc bank, thats bank angel becoming unhappy, bob, hollie, appeared, wearing, its uh white hat, you'll get your check hollie and God said, 6-3-2011?hollie showed, its, hand, heres, how, bob, she, said, to build uh church, thats church angel coming out, hollie knocked on door, hi she said, but left quickly, its, boo, we chanted, its, him, said, uh, she, hollie, showed, many, he hollies on, their on uh hill, hollie said, hollie laughed, looking down, reaching for the people of, its, stamped hollie, new wineskin ministries, she laughed, but its, o, another hollie said, looking stunned, hollies body hidden but only, hand seen but rest appeared, thats big lighted hand, showing, its bob wearing, its uh burgundy sweatshirt but turned into, its Gods hammer, but back, bob said, it, hollie showed, swish out your mouth, its with, she showed, a bottle of, its, listerene, it works, hollie said, 6-3-2011-thats the reason, hollie, pointed up, bob, no local news, hollie said, thats, hollie with, its uh, Gods hammer, hollie appeared, white hand, showed, its 1965 ford galaxie 500, hollie drove, lets motor she said, spun rear tire, but, thats both spinning, its from back, she, said, thats, big white hand, hollies body, appeared, later, thats, the, reason said, another happy hollie, showed, its umoja unity and christian worship center, thats big don, scratching head, I wish I had the loot, he said, to finish, hollie said, don, hollie said, scratched her head, was facing back, you should have listened, its, i'm, she, said, white in mouth, finger pointed, bob go, she said, same hollie that appeared, white in mouth, let this die now, hollie, like uh shipmate showed, its whale wars, she saluted, theres paul watson, asking, would you be willing to die for a whale, man shakes, yes, but both, bob its, fox, thats 59 news anchor man reporting, hollie showed, its bobs signs, theres hollie with Jesus inside showing, record, its, the, leopard like, hollie scratched, its fire cat, but changed into leopard, thats, its kings, popping, with hu hintao, i'm the false prophet, anti beast, he said, thats emperor of japan, theres both kings, hollie points, its korean korea, hollie said, you see, she said, there separate, back, she said, put korea back together, hollie did God said, presidents, hollie claps, that, but face not formed yet, faced down, reached for the people, its, umoja unity christian worship center, another hollie said, but was like hammer hollie, its round hollie said, hollie laughs as she looks down and its big don, hes loosing his chappel, hollie said, but wasnt seen but she came out, showed bobby, still she said, hollie laughs, reaching for, its, the people of Christ temple apostolic assemblies of God, had white hands, looked down, but from ground was same o hollie, its long, he hollie said, brown hair, no i'm quitting hollie said, playing his music, but there was a light flash hollie said, his face not clearly seen but would not reveal his secret, hollie said, hollie showed, thru with, but, another happy hollie showed, its fine, boo they chanted, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need it, its, hollie showed, hand, whew, hollie said, wild this time, white but changed into hollie hand, had dome in with, me said, him, said, uh she hollie, hollie screamed, again, another hollie, comes, out, points, but, not, at, lighted, finger, hollies second scream not heard but did again, hollie showed, keep going, like dark hollie, lighted, hand, hollie showed, turn, like, dark hollie, no, said, it, hollie, playing music, hollie showed, bob write jannette, tell her you want her, hollie had golden pen and hand, hollie showed, lay down, but, clapped hands, got back up, hollie slapt his face, again, bobby, said, it, hollie, showed, lay down, but, two hollies, but she clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, get up, clapped hands, quickly, pope said, it, hollie, in fire, drinking drink, I dont know said, its his caregiver, hollie points, puts hand on, chin, caregiver dressed like, wizard, she said, jumpy hollie said, pointed, its, at, pope, said, he hollie, but, he, transformed, she said, its, round head, caregiver, walking, mouth open, hollie pointed, teeth, she said, no, said, its, him, playing his music, wont tell his sound making, but face, hard to, see,